The crisp and sporty texture of the cotton-wool blend, which reflects the season's nuances, enhances the streamlined silhouette of the relaxed-fit model. The lightweight and compact feel of the fabric pairs with the regular fit at the hips, flowing comfortably along the leg for a contemporary allure. The combination of wool and cotton fibers gives the fabric a dry hand, making the texture light and smooth. A small percentage of synthetic fiber contributes to the overall wearing comfort.
72% cotton 15% wool 13% polyester
OBS Bemærk at farven på bukserne er som på sidste billede - lys grå/beige
Pomandere sørger for at hverdagens klassikere aldrig bliver uinteressante og så er alt naturligvis ‘made in Italy’.
Vi er især begejstrede for deres bukser, skjorter og frakker.